Mastering Gemnasium Maven Dependency Scan in GitLab: A Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Provided Scope Dependencies
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Mastering Gemnasium Maven Dependency Scan in GitLab: A Step-by-Step Guide to Removing Provided Scope Dependencies

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Are you tired of dealing with unnecessary dependencies in your Maven project? Do you want to optimize your Gemnasium Maven dependency scan in GitLab and remove provided scope dependencies? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of identifying and removing these dependencies, ensuring a cleaner and more efficient project setup.

What are Provided Scope Dependencies?

In Maven, dependencies are categorized into different scopes, including compile, runtime, test, and provided. Provided scope dependencies are not included in the project’s artifact, but are required for compilation. They are typically used for libraries that are provided by the container or the JDK, such as servlet APIs or JavaEE APIs.

While provided scope dependencies are necessary for compilation, they can lead to issues during deployment if not handled properly. In a Gemnasium Maven dependency scan, these dependencies may be reported as vulnerabilities or outdated, even if they’re not actually used in the project.

Why Remove Provided Scope Dependencies?

Removing provided scope dependencies from your Gemnasium Maven dependency scan in GitLab offers several benefits:

  • Improved accuracy: By excluding provided scope dependencies, you’ll get a more accurate picture of your project’s dependencies and potential vulnerabilities.
  • Reduced noise: Fewer dependencies mean less noise in your scan results, making it easier to focus on actual issues.
  • Optimized project setup: Removing unnecessary dependencies streamlines your project setup, reducing the risk of conflicts and errors.

Step 1: Identify Provided Scope Dependencies

To remove provided scope dependencies, you first need to identify them in your project. You can do this using the Maven Dependency Plugin:


Run the following command in your terminal:

mvn dependency:analyze-report

This will generate a report highlighting the dependencies in your project, including provided scope dependencies.

Step 2: Update Your POM File

Once you’ve identified the provided scope dependencies, update your POM file to exclude them from the scan:

  <!-- Other dependencies -->

Add the <scope>provided</scope> element to the dependencies you want to exclude from the scan.

Step 3: Configure Gemnasium Maven Dependency Scan

In your GitLab CI/CD pipeline, configure the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan to exclude provided scope dependencies:

  - scan

  stage: scan
    name: gemnasium/maven-dependency-scan:1.0.1
    MAVEN_OPTS: "-Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2"
    - mvn dependency:analyze-report
    - main

In the variables section, add the following configuration:


This will instruct the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan to exclude provided scope dependencies from the report.

Step 4: Verify the Results

After updating your POM file and configuring the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan, run the pipeline and verify the results:

In the pipeline logs, you should see the excluded dependencies listed as “Skipped” or “Ignored”. In the Gemnasium report, you’ll no longer see the provided scope dependencies listed as vulnerabilities or outdated.

Example Scenario: Excluding Servlet API Dependencies

Let’s say you’re working on a web application that uses the Servlet API. You’ve added the following dependency to your POM file:


In this case, you want to exclude the Servlet API dependency from the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan. Update your POM file as shown in Step 2, and configure the pipeline as shown in Step 3.

After running the pipeline, you’ll no longer see the Servlet API dependency reported as a vulnerability or outdated in the Gemnasium report.


Removing provided scope dependencies from your Gemnasium Maven dependency scan in GitLab is a straightforward process that requires careful identification and configuration. By following these steps, you’ll be able to optimize your project setup, reduce noise in your scan results, and get a more accurate picture of your project’s dependencies.

Remember to regularly review and update your dependencies to ensure your project remains secure and efficient. Happy coding!

Dependency Scope Description
Compile Required for compilation, included in the project’s artifact
Runtime Required for runtime, included in the project’s artifact
Test Required for testing, not included in the project’s artifact
Provided Required for compilation, not included in the project’s artifact

Note: The above table provides a brief overview of the different dependency scopes in Maven. For more information, refer to the official Maven documentation.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with removing provided scope dependencies from Gemnasium Maven dependency scan in GitLab? We’ve got you covered!

Q: What is the purpose of the provided scope in Maven dependencies?

The provided scope in Maven dependencies is used to indicate that a given dependency is required at compile time but should not be included in the WAR file. However, when it comes to Gemnasium Maven dependency scan, you might want to remove these dependencies to avoid false positives.

Q: Why do I need to remove provided scope dependencies from the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan?

Removing provided scope dependencies from the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan is necessary to avoid false positives and to focus on the actual dependencies that are included in your project. This ensures that you’re only notified about vulnerabilities in the dependencies that are actually used in your project.

Q: How can I identify provided scope dependencies in my Maven project?

You can identify provided scope dependencies in your Maven project by looking for the `provided` tag in your `pom.xml` file. This tag indicates that the dependency is required at compile time but should not be included in the WAR file.

Q: Can I exclude provided scope dependencies using the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan configuration?

Yes, you can exclude provided scope dependencies using the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan configuration. You can do this by adding the `–exclude-scope=provided` flag to your Gemnasium configuration file. This flag tells Gemnasium to ignore dependencies with the provided scope.

Q: Are there any other ways to remove provided scope dependencies from the Gemnasium Maven dependency scan?

Yes, besides using the `–exclude-scope=provided` flag, you can also use Maven’s built-in dependency filtering capabilities to remove provided scope dependencies. This can be done by adding a dependency filter to your `pom.xml` file that excludes dependencies with the provided scope.

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