How to Compute the Start Time of All the Jobs?
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How to Compute the Start Time of All the Jobs?

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Are you tired of manually calculating the start time of each job in your project? Do you wish there was a simpler way to determine when each task begins? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of job scheduling and explore the various methods and formulas used to compute the start time of all the jobs. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics of Job Scheduling

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of computing start times, it’s essential to understand the basics of job scheduling. In its simplest form, job scheduling involves assigning tasks to resources (such as machines, personnel, or equipment) to achieve a specific goal or objective. In most cases, these tasks have dependencies, meaning they rely on the completion of other tasks to begin.

For example, consider a construction project where you need to build a house. The job schedule might look like this:

  • Prepare the site (clear the land, remove debris)
  • Lay the foundation (pour the concrete, build the walls)
  • Frame the house (install the roof, walls, and doors)
  • Install electrical and plumbing systems
  • Finish the interior (install flooring, cabinets, and fixtures)
  • Final inspection and completion

As you can see, each task has a clear dependency on the previous one. You can’t frame the house until the foundation is laid, and you can’t install electrical and plumbing systems until the house is framed.

Computing the Start Time of Each Job

Now that we have a basic understanding of job scheduling, let’s explore the methods used to compute the start time of each job. There are several approaches, but we’ll focus on two common ones:

Method 1: Forward Pass

The forward pass method involves calculating the earliest possible start time for each job based on its dependencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the dependencies between jobs.
  2. Create a table or spreadsheet with columns for Job ID, Dependencies, and Start Time.
  3. For each job, calculate its earliest possible start time by adding the duration of its dependencies to the start time of its predecessor.
  4. Repeat step 3 until all jobs have been processed.

Let’s use our construction project example to demonstrate the forward pass method:

Job ID Dependencies Duration Start Time
A 3 0
B A 5 3
C B 7 8
D C 4 15
E D 3 19
F E 2 22

In this example, we’ve calculated the start time for each job based on its dependencies. Job A has no dependencies, so it starts at time 0. Job B depends on Job A, so its start time is 3 (the duration of Job A). Job C depends on Job B, so its start time is 8 (the duration of Job B plus the start time of Job B). We continue this process until all jobs have been processed.

Method 2: Backward Pass

The backward pass method involves calculating the latest possible start time for each job based on its dependencies. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Identify the dependencies between jobs.
  2. Create a table or spreadsheet with columns for Job ID, Dependencies, and Start Time.
  3. For each job, calculate its latest possible start time by subtracting the duration of its dependencies from the deadline.
  4. Repeat step 3 until all jobs have been processed.

Let’s use our construction project example to demonstrate the backward pass method:

Job ID Dependencies Duration Deadline Start Time
F 2 24 22
E F 3 22 19
D E 4 19 15
C D 7 15 8
B C 5 8 3
A 3 3 0

In this example, we’ve calculated the start time for each job based on its dependencies and deadline. Job F has no dependencies, so its start time is 22 (the deadline minus its duration). Job E depends on Job F, so its start time is 19 (the start time of Job F minus its duration). We continue this process until all jobs have been processed.

Computing the Start Time Using Mathematical Formulas

In some cases, you might need to compute the start time using mathematical formulas. One common formula is:

Start Time (ST) = Early Start (ES) + Duration (D)


  • ES is the earliest possible start time for the job
  • D is the duration of the job

This formula can be applied recursively to calculate the start time for each job in the schedule. For example:

ST(A) = ES(A) + D(A) = 0 + 3 = 3
ST(B) = ES(B) + D(B) = ST(A) + D(B) = 3 + 5 = 8
ST(C) = ES(C) + D(C) = ST(B) + D(C) = 8 + 7 = 15

And so on.

Real-World Applications of Computing Start Time

Computing the start time of each job has numerous real-world applications, including:

  • Scheduling construction projects to ensure timely completion
  • Managing manufacturing processes to optimize production
  • Coordinating logistics and supply chain operations
  • Planning and executing software development projects

In each of these cases, accurately computing the start time of each job is crucial to ensure efficient resource allocation, minimize delays, and maximize productivity.


And there you have it! Computing the start time of all the jobs is a critical aspect of job scheduling, and with the right methods and formulas, you can ensure that your projects are completed efficiently and effectively. Whether you’re using the forward pass, backward pass, or mathematical formulas, the key is to understand the dependencies between jobs and calculate their start times accordingly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of computing start times and achieving project success.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in the world of job scheduling and wondering how to compute the start time of all the jobs? Worry not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered! Below are the answers to your burning questions.

How do I calculate the start time of a job if I know the arrival time and the processing time?

Simple math, my friend! The start time of a job is the maximum of the current time and the arrival time minus the processing time. Formulaically, it’s Start Time = MAX(Current Time, Arrival Time – Processing Time). VoilĂ !

What if I have multiple jobs with different arrival times and processing times? How do I compute their start times?

Easy peasy! You can use the same formula for each job: Start Time = MAX(Current Time, Arrival Time – Processing Time). Just remember to update the current time after each job is processed, and you’ll get the correct start time for each job.

Can I use a priority queue to compute the start time of jobs with varying priorities?

Yes, you can! A priority queue can help you schedule jobs based on their priority, arrival time, and processing time. Simply insert each job into the priority queue with its priority as the key, and then extract the job with the highest priority ( lowest arrival time or shortest processing time) and compute its start time using the formula above.

What if I have dependencies between jobs? How do I compute their start times?

In this case, you’ll need to use topological sorting or a similar algorithm to schedule the jobs in the correct order. Compute the start time of each job based on its dependencies and the start times of its predecessors. This might require some recursion, but trust us, it’s doable!

Are there any software or tools available to compute the start time of jobs?

Ah-ha! Yes, there are! Many job scheduling systems, such as cron, Apache Airflow, or Celery, have built-in functionality to compute start times for jobs. You can also use programming languages like Python, Java, or C++ to implement your own job scheduling algorithm. The choice is yours!

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