Unlocking the Power of OpenMPI: Creating a Custom MPI_Datatype inside an MCA Module
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Unlocking the Power of OpenMPI: Creating a Custom MPI_Datatype inside an MCA Module

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When it comes to high-performance computing, Message Passing Interface (MPI) is the de facto standard for parallel programming. One of the most popular MPI implementations is OpenMPI, which provides a modular architecture that allows developers to extend and customize its behavior. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of OpenMPI’s Modular Component Architecture (MCA) and explore how to create a custom MPI_Datatype inside an MCA module.

What is an MPI_Datatype?

In MPI, a datatype is a way to describe the structure and layout of data in memory. MPI_Datatype is a fundamental concept that enables MPI to transfer data between processes efficiently. There are built-in MPI_Datatypes, such as MPI_INT, MPI_FLOAT, and MPI_DOUBLE, but sometimes you need more flexibility. That’s where custom MPI_Datatypes come in.

Why Create a Custom MPI_Datatype?

Imagine you have a complex data structure, such as a linked list or a tree, that you want to transfer between processes. Using a built-in MPI_Datatype would require flattening the structure, which can be inefficient and error-prone. By creating a custom MPI_Datatype, you can define the exact layout and padding of your data, ensuring efficient and correct communication.

Benefits of Custom MPI_Datatypes

  • Improved performance: Custom MPI_Datatypes can reduce memory overhead and improve communication latency.
  • Increased flexibility: Define custom data structures and layouts tailored to your specific use case.
  • Better error handling: With custom MPI_Datatypes, you can detect and handle errors more effectively, ensuring data integrity.

Creating an MCA Module

Before diving into custom MPI_Datatypes, let’s create an MCA module. An MCA module is a shared library that provides a specific functionality to OpenMPI. To create an MCA module, you’ll need:

  • OpenMPI installed on your system.
  • A C compiler (e.g., GCC).
  • A makefile or build system (e.g., CMake).

MCA Module Structure

An MCA module consists of the following components:

  • mca_module.h: The header file that defines the module’s interface.
  • mca_module.c: The implementation file that provides the module’s functionality.
  • Makefile or CMakeLists.txt: The build system configuration file.

Defining the Custom MPI_Datatype

Now that we have our MCA module structure in place, let’s define our custom MPI_Datatype. Suppose we want to create a datatype for a simple struct:

struct my_struct {
    int x;
    float y;
    char z;

We’ll need to create a function that registers our custom datatype with OpenMPI.

#include <mpi.h>
#include "mca_module.h"

static int mydatatype_register(MPI_Datatype *datatype)
    MPI_Aint lb, extent;
    MPI_Datatype types[3] = {MPI_INT, MPI_FLOAT, MPI_CHAR};
    MPI_Aint displs[3] = {offsetof(struct my_struct, x),
                          offsetof(struct my_struct, y),
                          offsetof(struct my_struct, z)};
    int blens[3] = {1, 1, 1};

    MPI_Type_create_struct(3, blens, displs, types, datatype);

    return MPI_SUCCESS;

Registering the Custom MPI_Datatype

To register our custom datatype with OpenMPI, we’ll need to create an MCA interface function:

static int mca_mydatatype_component_query(
    mca_mca_base_module_t *module,
    int *priority,
    mca_base_component_t **component,
    mca_base_component_t **version,
    mca_mca_base_accept_params_t *accept)
    *priority = 10;
    *component = &mca_mydatatype_component;
    *version = &mca_mydatatype_component_version;

    return MPI_SUCCESS;

This function returns the priority, component, and version of our MCA module.

Using the Custom MPI_Datatype

Now that we’ve created and registered our custom MPI_Datatype, let’s use it in an MPI program:

#include <mpi.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);

    MPI_Datatype mydatatype;

    struct my_struct data;
    data.x = 1;
    data.y = 2.5;
    data.z = 'c';

    MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
    int rank;

    MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);

    if (rank == 0) {
        MPI_Send(&data, 1, mydatatype, 1, 0, comm);
    } else {
        MPI_Recv(&data, 1, mydatatype, 0, 0, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        printf("Received: x = %d, y = %f, z = %c\n", data.x, data.y, data.z);


    return 0;

Benefits of Custom MPI_Datatypes in Practice

By creating a custom MPI_Datatype, we’ve achieved:

  • Faster communication: By defining the exact layout and padding of our data, we’ve minimized memory overhead and improved communication latency.
  • Better error handling: With a custom MPI_Datatype, we can detect and handle errors more effectively, ensuring data integrity.
  • Increased flexibility: Our custom MPI_Datatype provides a flexible way to transfer complex data structures between processes.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of OpenMPI’s MCA modules and created a custom MPI_Datatype for a simple struct. By following these steps, you can create custom MPI_Datatypes tailored to your specific use case, improving performance, flexibility, and error handling in your MPI applications.

Keyword Description
Custom MPI_Datatype A user-defined datatype for efficient data transfer in MPI applications.
MCA Module A modular component in OpenMPI that provides a specific functionality.
OpenMPI A popular implementation of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the scoop on creating a custom MPI_Datatype inside an OpenMPI MCA module!

Q1: What is the main purpose of creating a custom MPI_Datatype?

Creating a custom MPI_Datatype allows you to define a specific data structure that can be efficiently communicated between processes in an MPI application. This is particularly useful when working with complex data structures that don’t fit into the standard MPI data types.

Q2: How do I create a custom MPI_Datatype inside an OpenMPI MCA module?

To create a custom MPI_Datatype, you’ll need to define a new MPI_Datatype structure and register it with the MPI library using the MPI_Type_commit function. You’ll also need to implement the necessary serialization and deserialization functions to handle the data type.

Q3: What are the key components of a custom MPI_Datatype?

A custom MPI_Datatype typically consists of three components: the data structure itself, a serialization function to convert the data into a buffer, and a deserialization function to reconstruct the data from the buffer. You may also need to implement additional functions for handling collective operations and data type queries.

Q4: How do I register my custom MPI_Datatype with the OpenMPI MCA module?

To register your custom MPI_Datatype with the OpenMPI MCA module, you’ll need to create an MCA parameter to define the data type and its associated functions. You’ll then need to register the parameter with the MCA module using the MCA_base_component_var_register function.

Q5: What are some best practices for implementing custom MPI_Datatype inside an OpenMPI MCA module?

When implementing a custom MPI_Datatype, it’s essential to follow best practices such as ensuring data alignment and padding, using portable data types, and handling errors and exceptions correctly. Additionally, make sure to thoroughly test your implementation to ensure it’s correct and efficient.

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