Retrieving Original Atom Indices after RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() Reindexes Them: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Retrieving Original Atom Indices after RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() Reindexes Them: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling to retrieve the original atom indices after using RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() function? Do you find yourself lost in a sea of reindexed atoms, wondering which ones were removed and which ones remained? Fear not, dear cheminformatics enthusiast, for today we’ll delve into the world of atom indices and explore the secrets of retrieving the original ones.

Why Do Atom Indices Get Reindexed?

When you remove an atom from a molecule using Chem.RemoveAtom(), RDKit reindexes the remaining atoms to maintain a contiguous array of atoms. This reindexing process is necessary to ensure that the molecule’s internal structure remains consistent and accessible. However, it can be frustrating when you need to keep track of the original atom indices for further processing or analysis.

Understanding Atom Indices in RDKit

In RDKit, each atom in a molecule is assigned a unique integer index, starting from 0. These indices are used to reference specific atoms in the molecule, allowing you to perform operations like atom selection, bonding, and property assignment. When you remove an atom, RDKit updates the indices of the remaining atoms to fill the gap, causing the original indices to shift.

Solution 1: Store Original Atom Indices Before Removal

The simplest approach to retrieving original atom indices is to store them before removing any atoms. This can be done by creating a list or dictionary that maps the original atom indices to their corresponding atoms. Here’s an example code snippet:

from rdkit import Chem

# Create a sample molecule
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)N')

# Create a dictionary to store original atom indices
original_indices = {atom.GetIdx(): atom for atom in mol.GetAtoms()}

# Remove an atom (e.g., the first carbon atom)
 Chem.RemoveAtom(mol, 0)

# Access the original atom indices
for idx, atom in original_indices.items():
    print(f'Original index {idx}: {atom.GetSymbol()}')

This approach is straightforward, but it has some limitations. If you need to remove multiple atoms or perform more complex operations, storing original atom indices can become cumbersome.

Solution 2: Use RDKit’s Atom Mapping

RDKit provides an atom mapping mechanism that allows you to track the correspondence between original and reindexed atoms. You can use this feature to retrieve the original atom indices after removing atoms. Here’s an updated code snippet:

from rdkit import Chem

# Create a sample molecule
mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('CC(=O)Nc1ccc(cc1)S(=O)(=O)N')

# Create a molecule clone with atom mapping
mol_clone = Chem.Mol(mol.ToBinary())

# Remove an atom (e.g., the first carbon atom)
 Chem.RemoveAtom(mol_clone, 0)

# Get the atom mapping
atom_map = mol_clone.GetAtomMap()

# Retrieve original atom indices
for idx, atom in enumerate(mol_clone.GetAtoms()):
    original_idx = atom_map[idx]
    print(f'Reindexed index {idx}: Original index {original_idx}, Atom {atom.GetSymbol()}')

By using atom mapping, you can efficiently retrieve the original atom indices even after removing multiple atoms. This approach is more flexible and powerful than storing original atom indices.

Solution 3: Custom Atom Indexing with RDKit’s MolFromSmarts

In some cases, you might need to remove atoms based on specific SMARTS patterns or atom properties. RDKit’s MolFromSmarts function allows you to create a molecule from a SMARTS string, which can be used to create a custom atom indexing system. Here’s an example code snippet:

from rdkit import Chem

# Create a sample molecule with custom atom indexing
smarts_str = '[#6:1](=[#8:2])[#7:3]'
mol = Chem.MolFromSmarts(smarts_str)

# Remove an atom (e.g., the oxygen atom)
 Chem.RemoveAtom(mol, 2)

# Access the custom atom indices
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
    idx = atom.GetAtomMapNumber()
    print(f'Custom index {idx}: Atom {atom.GetSymbol()}')

By using MolFromSmarts, you can create a custom atom indexing system that suits your specific needs. This approach is more advanced and requires a good understanding of SMARTS patterns and RDKit’s atom mapping mechanisms.


In this article, we’ve explored three solutions to retrieve original atom indices after using RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() function. By storing original atom indices, using RDKit’s atom mapping, or creating custom atom indexing with MolFromSmarts, you can efficiently track and retrieve the original indices of removed atoms. Remember to choose the approach that best fits your specific use case and requirements.

Solution Description Advantages Disadvantages
Store Original Atom Indices Store original atom indices before removal Simple and easy to implement Limited to simple removal operations
Use RDKit’s Atom Mapping Use RDKit’s atom mapping mechanism Flexible and efficient Requires understanding of atom mapping
Custom Atom Indexing with MolFromSmarts Create custom atom indexing with MolFromSmarts Advanced and customizable Requires knowledge of SMARTS patterns and atom mapping

By mastering these solutions, you’ll be able to efficiently retrieve original atom indices and unlock the full potential of RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() function. Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of the atom index reindexing conundrum with RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() function!

Q1: Does RDKit’s Chem.RemoveAtom() function completely eliminate the original atom indices?

No way! While Chem.RemoveAtom() does reindex the atom indices, the original indices are not lost forever. You can recover them using the GetAtomMapNumber() method, which returns the original atom index.

Q2: How do I preserve the original atom order when using Chem.RemoveAtom()?

To keep the original atom order, you can use the GetAtomMapNumber() method before removing the atom. This will give you a mapping of the original indices, which you can then use to reconstruct the original order after Chem.RemoveAtom() has done its thing.

Q3: What happens to the molecule object when I call Chem.RemoveAtom()?

When you call Chem.RemoveAtom(), the molecule object is modified in-place, meaning the original molecule is changed. However, the atom indices are reindexed starting from 0, which can be a gotcha if you’re not careful!

Q4: Can I use Chem.RemoveAtom() to delete multiple atoms at once?

Yup! You can pass a list of atom indices to Chem.RemoveAtom() to delete multiple atoms in one go. Just be aware that the atom indices will be reindexed after each removal, so plan accordingly!

Q5: Are there any performance implications when using Chem.RemoveAtom()?

As with any modification to a molecule object, there can be performance implications when using Chem.RemoveAtom(), especially for large molecules. It’s essential to benchmark and optimize your code accordingly to ensure the best performance.

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